Photo: Annie Paige Photography
Hey y’all! Wow this season has been such a beautiful blur, and it’s crazy to think that we’re already thinking about next season’s weddings! So, for all my 2022, 2023, and beyond couples here are some questions to ask your officiant in preparation for your ceremony!
And here are some questions you could answer for them:
What do you enjoy doing together as a couple?
Where did you go on your first date?
What are your nicknames for each other?
Would you like us to make a comment about cell phones being on during the ceremony? What about camera use?
Do you want any religious prayers included in your ceremony?
Do you want a verbal “giving away of the bride” (for example, “who presents this woman to be married to this man”)?
Is there anything you definitely do not want in your ceremony?
Is there anything, specifically, that you’d like to include in your ceremony?
Questions that may be helpful if you BOTH share your answers with him:
How did you meet and how long have you been together? Where was your first kiss?
Describe your best and worst attributes? What about your partner’s?
Describe your first impression of your partner.
Describe your partner in 3 words.
Tell us something about your partner that people don’t know (hidden talents, pet peeves, habits).
What are you most looking forward to at your wedding? What about for your future together?
How did you know your partner was the one? What do you love most about them?
What characteristic(s) of your parent’s marriage do you admire the most?
What are you looking forward to most in marriage?
xo – Cassie
| Site credit Karima Creative
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